Finská sauna in the media
Finská sauna in TV broadcasting
"Jak se staví sen"
In the programme "Jak se staví sen", Finská sauna presented a sauna built by the company in a house of the Havlíček family. You'll find photographs in our gallery.
"Dobré ráno"
We spoke about saunas in the Czech Republic in the Czech Television's morning show "Dobré ráno". The hosts were Lenny Trčková and Ondřej Blaho. Vypravili jsme se za severským zvykem saunování, and talked about the ověděli jsme si i o trendu domácích saun. Matěj Zítka from Finská sauna answered many questions. Here you can find the videos.
They wrote about us
Bazén a Sauna magazine
Bazén a Sauna magazine
Professional journal Bazén a Sauna wrote about a wellness project, in which our company participated - issue 5/6 2014:
Kamna Harvia koupíte na nové adrese (28-29)
Professional journal Bazén a Sauna wrote about a wellness project in which our company participated - issue 9/10 2012:
Sauna ve studiu Verbena (32-34)
Světlo magazine
Professional journal Světlo published an article about sauna illumination written by Zdeněk Kolář, our employee.
Commercials at Czech Extraliga matches in Rondo Hall, Brno
Article on portal - "Sauny a světlo. Podívejte se, jak Michal a Hynek dělají tak trochu jiný byznys"
...when I started my business, I approched Harvia, a Finnish family company manufacturing saunas and sauna haeters. Today, we are the only authorised dealer of Harvia in the Czech Republic.
When I was ordering heaters from them for the second time, their sales representative for our region asked me whether I would like to expand my business. We met in Finland, and I presented them my business plan,
said Michal Hora about his beginnings in the business.